Shelter dinner event 2nd shift 5:30 to 6:45 pm

Date: February 24, 2018

We are serving approximated 70 shelter residents & homeless individuals at the Bailey's Cross Road Shelter. Please sign up below. If you cannot drop off a food item you are donating, or if you are bringing someone with you, please email Desiree.

Starting January 2018, the shelter is no longer allowing minors to participate at the shelter dinner events.

Please note each row is for 70+ people unless noted otherwise below.

Shelter's address:
Bailey’s Crossroads Community Shelter
3525 Moncure Ave, Baileys Crossrds VA 22041
(703) 820-7621

Click here for more info on food items (quantity and photos)

Sign up below...

1.5 large tray of mixed rice#1: Dast2Dast T.
1.5 large trays of white rice#1: Dast2Dast T.
1 large tray of pasta#1: Anna B.
3 large lasagnas#1: Anna B.
1 large trays of mashed potato#1: shohreh p.
1.5 large trays of mixed vegetables#1: Dast2Dast T.
Fruits (for 75+)#1: Sara S.
5 large Costco cakes#1: Ramin S.
4 - 5 quarts ice cream buckets & cookies (for 75+)#1: Arsha Y.
Juice/drinks (for 75+)#1: Mehrdad E.
Baguettes (for 75+)#1: Desiree M.