Shelter dinner event 4 to 5:30 pm

Date: April 23, 2022

We are serving approximately 60 shelter residents & homeless individuals at the Bailey's Cross Road Shelter. Please sign up below. If you cannot drop off a food item you are donating, please email Desiree.

The shelter is no longer allowing minors to participate at the shelter dinner events.

Please note each row is for 50-60 people unless noted otherwise below.

Shelter's address:
Bailey’s Shelter and Supportive Housing
5914 Seminary Road, Falls Church, VA 22041
(703) 820-7621

Click here for more info on food items (quantity and photos)

Sign up below...

1 large tray of white rice#1: Fred A.
1 large tray of mixed rice#1: Fred A.
10 rotisserie chicken#1: Dast2Dast T.
30 skewers of kabob#1: Ali G.
3 large lasagnas#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
1 large tray of pasta dish#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Salad & dressing (for 60+)#1: Dast2Dast T.
1 large tray of mashed potato#1: Nanaz C.
1 large trays of mixed vegetables#1: Nasim F.
Fruits (for 60+)#1: Dast2Dast T.
Fruit salad#1: Tom T.
4 large Costco cakes#1: Desiree M.
3 - 5 quarts ice cream buckets & cookies (for 60+)#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Juice/drinks#1: Faranak R.
Baguettes#1: Desiree M.